A 40-Day Walk with God
An online companion to the book by Rev. Kathleene Card and Dr. Dianne Martin
Agape Prayer Beads
We commissioned a jewelry designer (Diana’s Designs – to create Agape Prayer Beads made of hand cut gemstone beads in lavender, white, and black with an antiqued pewter cross. Each set of prayer beads are handcrafted. The prayer beads were developed to accompany the book and help you keep your focus during your daily prayer time. They are designed especially to be used during Lent, but can be used with the book at any time of the year. Edit Text
Lenten Prayer Beads
If you are using the Agape Beads as Lenten prayer beads, start with the black bead in the circle on Ash Wednesday and proceed in a clockwise direction, one bead per day. The purple and black, beads represent the 40 days of Lent, and the white beads represent the Sundays. The final two black beads represent Good Friday and Saturday before Resurrection Sunday, represented by the cross. Using the prayer beads with the Prayer Focus Word each day will help you to focus on the daily theme as you use scripture to connect with God.
People Prayers
One way to pray around the beads is to touch a bead and think of a person you want to bless. Say the person’s name, ask for God to bless them, and move to the next bead until you are finished. Use the white beads to pray for a country, a cause or a group that is dear to you.
Prayers to Affirm God’s Character
Another way to use the beads is to focus on the key words mentioned in the book. You will find below a short sentence prayer for each black or purple bead to affirm God’s love for you. When you come to a white bead, use the scripture from Ephesians 3:20-21. Start with the center singular black bead representing Ash Wednesday during Lent or representing our starting point in a fallen state. Then proceed to meditate at each bead on an affirmation of our state of grace through Christ. Edit Text
Affirmation prayers: Loving God, You give me all that I need, and I come to you in this quiet time ready to surrender my heart and soul and mind to You.
1. I am entirely known and accepted by You God.
2. I am released from needing special human knowledge, I am complete in You.
3. Your provision for all my defects was paid by Jesus on the cross.
4. I am rescued by your perfect love, I lack nothing.
White bead: And now unto You Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can think or imagine…
5. To be reconciled is to work on your power, not mine.
6. To know I am forgiven allows me to forgive.
7. Forgiven and loved, I am free to be joyful.
8. Your gift of love is exceedingly great.
9. Standing on your promises and illuminated by Your Light, I can be bold.
10. With Your help I commit to following You.
White bead: And now unto You Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can think or imagine…
11. When Your mind rests in me, I am comforted.
12. Your words in my mouth become wisdom.
13. When Your Word guides my actions, I abide in You.
14. Joy from You exalts Jesus first, others next and myself last.
15. Your Holy Spirit will teach me level-headed joy.
16. Because you light my way of salvation, I am fearless.
White bead: And now unto You Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can think or imagine…
17. My fervent love glorifies my Lord.
18. When I wait on You, I am protected from rushing into calamity.
19. Beware of the evil one is good sober advice; however, your eternal grace confirms and strengthens me.
20. I can trust my heart to you.
21. Prevenient grace abides in me always.
22. You are my strength and my shield.
White bead: And now unto You Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can think or imagine…
23. My connection to You is sealed by the sacrifice of Jesus.
24. The only one to follow is you.
25. By your example, I can help to bear another’s burden when yoked to You.
26. When grief overwhelms me, you enlarge my withered heart.
27. My greatest treasure is to give all thanks to You.
28. Wisdom heals.
White bead: And now unto You Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can think or imagine…
29. Let me endure throughout all temptation because you live in me.
30. I praise your truth revealed in your commandments.
31. Your peace transforms all evil.
32. I trust your truths.
33. I claim Your Love.
34. You are my keeper.
White bead: And now unto You Who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I can think or imagine
35. My confidence rests in You.
36. I am thankful that your love is eternal.
37. All goodness originates with God.
38. Your armor makes me a peace-filled warrior.
39. In times of trouble I can seek your righteousness.
40. By the life and death and resurrection of Jesus I am empowered already but not fully yet.
Cross: Now unto You who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine, according to the power that works within me, to You be the glory in the church and in Jesus Christ to all generations forever and ever. Amen.