A 40-Day Walk with God
An online companion to the book by Rev. Kathleene Card and Dr. Dianne Martin
Week 2: Scourging at the Pillar
Jesus is taken before the High Priest, accused, beaten, and insulted. Then He is taken by the Jewish leaders to Pilate, because only he can impose the death penalty. A true criminal, Barabbas, is given his freedom, and Jesus is convicted in his place. Even though Pilate can "find no cause in Him", yet to appease the Jews, he orders Jesus to be scourged. Jesus as the Lamb of God offers His suffering for the sins of all humanity. The prophesy of Isaiah is fulfilled: "He was wounded for our iniquities; He was bruised for our sins."
As we pray these prayers this week, let us consider how much God loves us—and what our response to this love might be
· Day 5, Monday: Reconciled
· Day 6, Tuesday: Forgiven
· Day 7, Wednesday: Joyful
· Day 8, Thursday: Praise Our Great God
· Day 9, Friday: Step Out in Boldness
· Day 10, Saturday: Commit to Follow God’s Plan
2nd Sunday in Lent Edit Text
Focus Verse: Day 10 – Follow God’s Plan (Adapted from Proverbs 16: 1-4,7, 9)
My Lord, I acknowledge that so many of the plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue comes from You. All my ways seem clean in my own sight, but You weigh my motives. I hereby commit my work to You Lord and trust that my plans will be established according to Your will. You have made everything for its own purpose…When my ways are pleasing to You Lord, You will make even my enemies at peace with me…as I plan my day, I know that You will direct my steps. In the holy name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
In keeping with the introspective focus of Lent, this week we look to Proverbs to reflect upon our own inner motives and hidden agendas that contrast so sharply with the purity and innocence of Jesus as He was accused, beaten and insulted for our sakes. Edit Text
Study Questions:
1. Reflect on a time when you thought your motives were pure, only to realize that you, in fact, had a hidden agenda. What would it mean in your life to truly entrust all of your plans to God?
2. What do the prayers for this week tell you about the nature of man? What do they tell you about the nature of God?
3. What is your personal response to being reconciled and forgiven? How could you personally step out in boldness to follow God’s path? Edit Text