A 40-Day Walk with God
An online companion to the book by Rev. Kathleene Card and Dr. Dianne Martin

Days 15-21
Day 15. The Master Teacher
Adapted from Psalms 25, 32, and 143. Dearest Father, Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation. Teach me the way in which I should walk, for to You I lift up my soul. Instruct me and counsel me with Your eye upon me. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. The more I trust in You, Your loving kindness will surround me, and I will shout for joy to be among the upright of heart. Amen
Day 16. Fearless
Adapted from Psalm 27. Lord, You are my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? You are the defense of my life, whom shall I dread? When evildoers come upon me, they stumble and fall. Though a host encamps against me, my heart does not fear. Though war arises against me, in spite of this, I am confident. Only one thing I ask of You, Lord, that I seek and dwell in Your house all the days of my life, to experience Your peace as I meditate in Your temple. For in the day of trouble, You conceal me in Your sanctuary and hide me in Your secret place. You lift me up on a rock to raise my head above my enemies. I offer my praise with shouts of joy. I sing, yes, I sing praises to the Lord! Amen.
Day 17. Fervent Love
Adapted from I Peter 4:7-11. Dear Lord, I ask to be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer in order to keep an open link with You. Above all keep me fervent in my love for others, because Your love covers a multitude of sins. Help me to be hospitable to others without complaint. Help me to recognize and acknowledge that each one has received a special gift and help me to encourage others to employ their gift in serving one another so that all will be good stewards of Your manifold grace. I pray that when I speak, let me speak utterances pleasing to You; when I serve, let me do so by the strength that You supply, so that in all things You may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Day 18. Wait on the Lord
Adapted from Psalm 27:14, Psalm 33:20-22, Psalm 130:5- 6. My soul waits for You, Lord. My soul waits, and in Your word I do hope. My soul waits for You more than those who watch for the morning -- Yes, more than those who watch for the morning. From You I gather strength and trust. Yes, I wait for You, Lord. You are my help and my shield. My heart rejoices in You because I trust Your holy name. I ask for Your loving kindness to be upon me, Lord, as I have waited for You. Amen.
Day 19. Beware the Roaring Lion
Adapted from I Peter 5:6-10. Help me, Lord, to humble myself under Your mighty hand, that You may exalt me at the proper time. I cast all my anxiety upon You, because You care for me like no one else can. I ask to be of sober spirit on the alert. I know that my adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But with Your power I can resist him, firm in my faith, knowing that all Christians in the world are experiencing temptation and suffering. Even if I must suffer for a little while, I know that You, the God of all grace, who calls us to Your eternal glory in Christ, will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish me. I claim all of this with a joyful heart in the name of Jesus. Amen
Day 20. Trust in God
Adapted from Psalm 28: 6-9. Blessed is the Lord, because You hear the voice of my supplication. Lord, You are my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in You and I am helped. Therefore my heart exults and with my song I thank You! You are my strength and a saving defense to Your anointed. Please continue to bless the people of Your inheritance and be my shepherd forever. Amen.
Day 21. Abide in Love
Adapted from I John 4:7-21. Dear Father, help me to love others, for love is from You and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. If I cannot share Your love, then I do not know You, for You are pure love. I believe in faith that You sent Your only begotten Son into the world so that I might live through Him. In this is love, not that I loved You, but that You loved me first and sent Your Son to be the propitiation for my sins. I therefore confess that Jesus is Your only Son, that You abide in Him and He in You. I have come to know and believe the love, which You have for me through Jesus. Thereby give me the power to love my brother as fervently as You have loved me. Amen.