Day 34: Generous Deeds and Kindly Words

From a Poem by John Greenleaf Whittier
All hearts grew warmer in the presence Of one who, seeking not his own, Gave freely for the love of giving, Nor reaped for self the harvest sown. Thy greeting smile was pledge and prelude Of generous deeds and kindly words; In thy large heart were fair guest-chambers, Open to sunrise and the birds;
In 2017, I attended the Funeral Services for Ann Robinson Porter. Ann is exceptional in many ways and she and her husband Roger taught at Harvard University for over seventeen years. The church was filled with students who deeply appreciated how Ann cared for everyone. Her husband and children spoke of Ann’s humility and strength. In the past, Ann and I were often together at events for our husbands in Washington, DC. Whenever you were in her presence there was a sense of peace. Ann was one of those people who remembered who you were and what you appreciated.
We had dinner with Roger and Ann in 2016 at Nancy and John Sununu’s home. While we knew she had battled cancer in the past, we did not know the battle was waging again. When the dinner was over and we were leaving, Ann took me aside and said, “What you are doing in writing your prayers is important. Do not stop.” I dedicate today’s prayer to Ann’s life that blessed so many. She truly is a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord, Your humble servant, Ann Robinson Porter, fed Your sheep every day. We thank you for the time we have had with her on earth and we ask for special blessings on her family and friends in this time of grief. She truly was a woman “Of generous deeds and kindly words.” Amen.