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Day 11

Kathleene Card

Day 11.

Comfort: Adapted from II Corinthians 1:1-24, 13:11. Blessed be You, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies and God of all comfort. You comfort me in all my affliction, so that I am able to comfort those in affliction with the same comfort I receive from You. For just as I sometimes share in the sufferings of Christ, so also my comfort is abundant through Christ. If I am comforted by God, it is my job to share in comforting others. My hope in You is firmly grounded, knowing that when I share with the suffering of others, we are sharers in each other’s comfort…Finally, Dear Lord, help me always to rejoice in order to be made complete, be comforted, and be like-minded so that I can live in peace and be Your comfort to my Christian brothers and sisters. I claim You, the God of love and peace, in my life and walk. Amen.

Loneliness is listed among one of the higher fears people have. Everyone needs to know he or she will not be abandoned. While I believe God never abandons us, I also know people need physical contact with others. God will remind us to reach out to people. One of the main purposes of church communities is to be “God in the flesh” to each other. Is there one person today that you know who needs a call, a visit, or a gentle hug?

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