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Kathleene Card

Day 12

Day 12.

Wisdom: Adapted from Psalm 19:7-14. Lord, Your law is perfect, restoring my soul. Your testimony is sure, bringing wisdom to my foolishness. Your precepts are right, causing my heart to rejoice. Your commandments are pure, bringing enlightenment to my eyes. Reverence for You endures forever; Your judgments are true, altogether righteous. I am not able to discern my own errors, so I ask You to forgive me of hidden faults and keep me from presumptuous sins. I thank You that through Jesus Christ I am acquitted of all my transgressions. I ask that the words of my mouth and the meditation of me heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Amen.

As I read these words I am reminded that my ability to know is limited. Even the most intelligent person has blind spots. Wisdom, to me, requires humility and experience. I need to be humble enough to know I cannot know everything, and I need to be matured by what I learn through the experiences of my failures and successes. Each individual understands uniquely. We can expand our wisdom when we seek to see that unique image and ability in each other. God’s laws are all dependent upon God’s Great Commandment—“to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves.” When we love as God teaches us to love God “brings enlightenment to our eyes.” I encourage us to write down any enlightenment that we receive today or in the past. What has seeing God’s image in the other taught you?

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