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Day 3: Promises

Kathleene Card

Prayer for April 19, 2017 (Day 3 of the Great 50 Days of Easter) After his suffering he presented himself alive to them by many convincing proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God. While staying with them, he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father. “This,” he said, “is what you have heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” (Acts 1. 3-5)

Early Christians celebrated for fifty days after Easter. In fact, they frowned on fasting during this time. Today, we hardly think about anything for fifty days. This Scripture describes Jesus giving his apostles their mission. In this post-resurrection appearance, Jesus instructs them to “stay-put” until the Holy Spirit anoints them. They must “wait” for the promise of the Father, which is the gift of the Holy Spirit.

They have to trust that the Holy Spirit will show up. Do you ever wonder what they were thinking? Do you ever ask yourself if you accept that God will empower you when God gives you a mission? I have, and I wonder what promises mean in 2017.

I ask these questions seriously, because the anticipation of God’s promises is what fuels the Church, and if promises have no value to us—how can we embrace God’s promises? The Apostles had to carry God’s promises forward. They had to be vigilant in their ability to pray, act, and pray again. We know God’s promises because they were faithful in sharing them with us. Now it is our turn. Will we pray, act and pray again to help us understand God’s promises? Once we do, will we take time to allow the Holy Spirit to empower us? These questions are not rhetorical. Can we celebrate what it means to be Easter people who embrace God’s promises?

Prayer recap: Dear Lord, Your promises are real—and Your plans for Your world are good. Help us to pray with our entire being seeking to know how You want us to act and then empower us to act in ways that celebrate on earth as in heaven. Amen.

New Prayer requests: Scott, Jr. guidance & protection; Barbara Candlish stem cell donor; flu becoming pneumonia; George H.W. Bush; successful treatment for Sandy & Lisi’s grandson’s hole in heart; peaceful and civil communications in our universe; Brenda’s decisions; T.J.’s diabetes; boy (10) with seizures

Continuing Successful Cancer Treatments: Elizabeth; Karen; Arlin; Gail; Teresa; Michelle; Diane; Howard; Phyllis E.; Jim E.; Lena; Larry P; Ann A; Alice; Rhiannon; Jess Adams; young mother; accuracy diagnosing & treating cancer; a cure ASAP!

Continuing Needs: Arthur L. Fleming, Jr.; Audrey Fleming; a miracle and comfort for Edward Black; Benjamin & his family, (recent loss); Mark R; Randy S.; Thor & college students facing finals. Joe White, recovery from surgery.

Answered Prayer: A young woman on my daily prayer list miraculously survived a horrible car accident during the recent ice storm in NH. The police were astonished.

Anyone missing? PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I FORGET TO INCLUDE SOMEONE. Thank you for the time you spend in prayers, it is deeply appreciated.

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©2017-2020 Kathleene Card and Dianne Martin

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