24 Hours That Changed the World
During Lent, Peterborough United Methodist Church is offering seven classes based on the book, 24 Hours That Changed the World, which was designed by The Reverend Adam Hamilton.
The aim of this study is to help us better understand the events that occurred during the last 24 hours of Jesus' life, see more clearly the theological significance of Christ's suffering and death, and reflect upon the meaning of these events for our own lives. To do this, we will look at the geographical and historical setting of the events of that fateful day; reflect theologically on Jesus' death; and, ultimately, look to see ourselves in the story, considering how we are like Pilate or Peter, Judas or John.
The study consists of the following resources:
24 Hours That Changed the World, a book by Adam Hamilton, (We have books available at PUMC, please let us know if you would like a copy.)
24 Hours That Changed the World: 40 Days of Reflection, this book has readings for everyday in Lent. (This is a supplemental book—let us know if you want us to order one for you.)
24 Hours That Changed the World: Video Journey, a DVD We will use this DVD in our classes.
There will be three opportunities to participate, either on Sundays after Church with Lay Leader, Jim Poplin, starting on March 3rd; or on Wednesdays with Rev. Kathleene Card at 9:30 starting on March 6, or you may participate online with through our web site or Facebook page. Here are the session topics:
The Last Supper
The Garden of Gethsemane
Condemned by the Righteous
Jesus, Barabbas, and Pilate
The Torture and Humiliation of the King
The Crucifixion
Christ the Victor
Let us know if you want to join in. Please respond to this blog if you would like to participate.
Text Books are free; donations of $14 are welcomed. Daily devotional book is supplemental and costs $10.